New Residents:

 On your first month's bill you will be billed a utility deposit of $100 that will be held until you leave the city. If you sign up for auto-withdrawal the $100 deposit is waived. All invoices will be emailed regardless of payment choice.


Resident Contact Info & ACH Form
Resident Contact Info ACH Form.doc
Microsoft Word document [26.0 KB]
Homes in the 9th addition & New Haven are required to plant boulevard trees
Boulevard Tree Permit.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.5 KB]


New homes in the city will automatically receive a tax abatement of $75,000 for the first two years,  provided the homeowner allows the County Tax Assessor inside the home to review it.

The city contracts garbage services with Waste Management. Normal pickup is on Thursday. Pick up may be delayed a day in the event of a holiday. Please contact contact the city if you are having issues with service.


Monthly Bill Amounts:

Homes in the 9th addition - $70 (includes $10 street light fee)

Homes in all other additions  - $60

Payment Processing fee for non-ach  - $5



Curbside recycling pickup occurs every other week on Thursday.

Garbage and recycling need to be placed curbside before 7am to ensure pick up.

Addition garbage cans can be added for $17.50, and addtional recycling containers can be added for $9.00

2025 Garbage Calendar
2025 WM Calender Reiles Acres.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [72.1 KB]

Water is provided by private well or by Cass Rural Water (1-800-922-2798) depending on the location of the property in the city. Some older homes that have existing well service can be hooked up to Cass Rural Water but that expense to run the lines would be paid by the homeowner and interested parties should contact Cass Rural Water for details on lines and hook-up fees.

Electrical services are provided by Cass County Electric. They also maintain all yard lights in town. Should you have an issue with your yard light please contact them directly at 1-800-248-3292.
Please note that all homes are required to maintain and keep the light at their residence lit year-round; failure to do so may result in fines in accordance with City ordinances.
Fire protection services are contracted with the West Fargo Fire Department.
Gas services are provided by Excel Energy. They can be reached at 1-800-895-4999.
Cable TV & Internet:
Cable services are provided either by Midcontinent Communications (1-800-888-1300) or Cable One (1-888-204-9383).

Contact Us Today!

City of Reile's Acres
4635 35th Ave N
Reiles Acres, ND 58102

Phone: 701 541-0035 701 541-0035


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